I collected up some links to all the artists I've been looking at lately that I think are worth sharing. Some of you may already be aware of them (Alycia), some of you probably won't.
Elizabeth Layton: Cute old lady extraordinaire
Camille Rose Garcia:Probably getting something of hers tattooed on my body.
Luke Brown: Psychedellic Tool art.
Jenny Saville: Saw her stuff at the Saatchi gallery.
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Friday, January 26, 2007
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Mandatory Birthday Update
On my birthday from my family I recieved: a pink coat, four new novels, three new movies (two of which I already own), and a cake (that I didn't try) that has a crust made of marzipan (which I love). In theory I will receive a present from Devon (possibly a green shirt). I got many unwanted gifts including a moist almost fully naked guy trying to touch me with his slowly approaching limbs of doom that would undoubtedly give me some sort of bacterial infection or venerial disease. We named him moist naked guy then I buried his shoes in the snow and remaining clothes lofted into a tree. He never saw his wallet again, but I didn't want money, only vengeance so don't blame me.
I lost alot of sleep over this weekend, and I nearly slept through my afternoon classes today. That being said, I think it would be best to just leave this post unpolished and unfinished until I find more to say. But before ending this less than amazing post, I'll leave you with one quote that will stay with me for many years, it's insight shaking the very core of my being, and it's eloquently put manner leaving me feeling like I just read a stirring and meaningful poem. Read on my friends and your world will be turned upside down.
"One of my favorite hobbies is to stare at pigeons until I find the right moment to run at them screaming hysterically so I can make them scramble away in complete terror."
-Kyle Wickes
I lost alot of sleep over this weekend, and I nearly slept through my afternoon classes today. That being said, I think it would be best to just leave this post unpolished and unfinished until I find more to say. But before ending this less than amazing post, I'll leave you with one quote that will stay with me for many years, it's insight shaking the very core of my being, and it's eloquently put manner leaving me feeling like I just read a stirring and meaningful poem. Read on my friends and your world will be turned upside down.
"One of my favorite hobbies is to stare at pigeons until I find the right moment to run at them screaming hysterically so I can make them scramble away in complete terror."
-Kyle Wickes
Sunday, January 14, 2007
V.I.P 229
New years eve 2007
I started the night off at Brandon Cotes.
He was in party mode, dancing around.
Mike drove to pick up Lauren so she could come in for the night.
We went over to Colin's and I got to briefly visit with Mike and Marty before I headed off.
I was Kenny's date for the Ruin's Boardshop party.
They caught me on camera with my gigantic coat on at the door.
I quickly made my way to the liquor and saw Jen working there.
Norm poured champagne before the countdown. I started double fisting drinks around this time because I couldn't turn down champagne on new years.
Despite my best efforts to get drunk and make an ass of myself I kept it together and talked to alot of people...
...while Kenny got his picture taken with more girls than anyone...

...except for Sven who was the pimp of the night. (Not pictured: Deja, Amber, Kristina, and countless other girls clustered around him all night)
I didn't get very many pictures of myself, but Kristina took this weird one of me and Amber.
I did however get alot of pictures of Kenny.
Some of these pictures were good, some were drunk, some, like this one, were destructive (and drunk). He broke this table while dancing on it. When asked why he did it and whether he would pay for it he responded by pretending to karate chop it into bits with his hands while making a "HI-YA" noise. An inside source told me that some of the people throwing this party weren't going to let him come because apparently he has a reputation for getting into fights and breaking shit. I bet they're happy they let Norm sell him a ticket.
I started the night off at Brandon Cotes.
I was Kenny's date for the Ruin's Boardshop party.

I did however get alot of pictures of Kenny.
The table wouldn't be the last thing he broke that night.
We stayed til they ran out of mix and it shut down and then headed to Kenny's
I shouldn't have let him drive. (He drop kicked his own Christmas tree when we got to his place.)
Kyle came over after going to a party on Faulkner.
I was too busy smoking while being sloppily drunk
and a picture of Sven with red eye.
...if anyone is interested in seeing more of the new years Ruins party, Mike recorded the new years video and Norm took alot of pictures.
I didn't document the last half the the night much...
I was taking a bath tonight. I'm definitely more of a 'bathe in your own filth' person than a showerer...or showeree? I donno. Anyways, for some reason I decided to flip onto my belly and put my face under water. This is something I haven't done since I was seven or eight and it really made me think about how much I've changed since then. Not just in size and maturity, but in almost every measurable way.
There is nothing about me now that is recognizably similar to the person I was then. There doesn't seem to be anything permenant about my personality from that moment to this. At what point did I change and can I even recall the person I was then well enough to know how I'd react?
I guess this is sort of lame philosophical post, but what I'm trying to say is why is it that people can never seem to successfully force a change upon their lives or the lives of others, but alternately we're in a constant state of flux-basically capable of doing anything. I don't know if there's anything permenant and solid about anyone, just a higher statistical possibility that they'll do one thing instead of another out of force of habit.
So, what if you get bored of those usual habits and begin to do everything differently out of boredom? Could you become a mysterious and unpredictable loose cannon or would you limit yourself because you've been thinking the same way so long that even your more random and seemingly unpredictable thoughts are cliches? Everything seems to have happened before but nothing ever gets done.
There is nothing about me now that is recognizably similar to the person I was then. There doesn't seem to be anything permenant about my personality from that moment to this. At what point did I change and can I even recall the person I was then well enough to know how I'd react?
I guess this is sort of lame philosophical post, but what I'm trying to say is why is it that people can never seem to successfully force a change upon their lives or the lives of others, but alternately we're in a constant state of flux-basically capable of doing anything. I don't know if there's anything permenant and solid about anyone, just a higher statistical possibility that they'll do one thing instead of another out of force of habit.
So, what if you get bored of those usual habits and begin to do everything differently out of boredom? Could you become a mysterious and unpredictable loose cannon or would you limit yourself because you've been thinking the same way so long that even your more random and seemingly unpredictable thoughts are cliches? Everything seems to have happened before but nothing ever gets done.
Friday, January 12, 2007
It's My Birthday. Have You Bought Me A Drink Yet?
I was going to post something about Peter Cottontail and Hitler, but I forgot where I was going with it.
My birthday is coming soon.
My birthday is coming soon.
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