Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Mandatory Birthday Update

On my birthday from my family I recieved: a pink coat, four new novels, three new movies (two of which I already own), and a cake (that I didn't try) that has a crust made of marzipan (which I love). In theory I will receive a present from Devon (possibly a green shirt). I got many unwanted gifts including a moist almost fully naked guy trying to touch me with his slowly approaching limbs of doom that would undoubtedly give me some sort of bacterial infection or venerial disease. We named him moist naked guy then I buried his shoes in the snow and remaining clothes lofted into a tree. He never saw his wallet again, but I didn't want money, only vengeance so don't blame me.

I lost alot of sleep over this weekend, and I nearly slept through my afternoon classes today. That being said, I think it would be best to just leave this post unpolished and unfinished until I find more to say. But before ending this less than amazing post, I'll leave you with one quote that will stay with me for many years, it's insight shaking the very core of my being, and it's eloquently put manner leaving me feeling like I just read a stirring and meaningful poem. Read on my friends and your world will be turned upside down.

"One of my favorite hobbies is to stare at pigeons until I find the right moment to run at them screaming hysterically so I can make them scramble away in complete terror."
-Kyle Wickes


She said...

That's a beautiful moment.

There are lots of pidgeons here. When you live on an island, you kind of wonder how so much wildlife found its way over.

m@ said...

Interesting... i'm curious as to how you stumbled onto my blog with its headless cat.
by the way, that pigeons quote is so dead-on.

Naomi said...

Kyle is a wise man. And you went to school for once?

T.R. said...

To answer your question M@, I stalk you and therefore know everything about you. I watch you at every moment, and read every post you make including ones about seemingly headless cats.

Kyle should have his own advise column.

T.R. said...

I can't believe my mom tossed my cake before I got to eat it. Next time I'll spend more time eating cake and less time trying to get an early start on drinking.

Naomi said...

she threw away your birthday cake? How tragic...

T.R. said...

She tossed it because I ran off for three days and didn't come back until it had dehydrated. I wish they had wrapped it up properly.