Monday, November 27, 2006

Written in the White Rabbit.

*This post was edited by me, but written by my good friend Devon. It was written while watching the documentary "Jesus Camp."

The human race is but a virus. People can't accept the fact that the lives they live are pointless. Humans can't just exist, they need something to fall back on. They need something to explain their unexplainable existence. We're scared by the things we can't understand, things that have no definite answer. So frightened by the unknown, to replace the confusion we've created a "God," a belief that a higher power is responsible for death, poverty, and disease. Something that explains our self destructive tendencies.

Personally, I say "God" is created out of guilt and fear. The thought that humans are the cause of their own downfall and eventual extinction is too much to face. So people created religion as a sanctuary from their own lonely reality.



She said...

The purpose of life is to find purpose.

Some people want answers... and there are a lot of things that we can't answer. In frustration and yes, loneliness, God was created.

Cavemen probably realised when they couldn't reach the stars to eat them, that they belonged to some bigger caveman.

I have no problem with religion. I have a problem with fanatacism.

And what is this Jesus Camp documentary you speak of? Is it any good?

T.R. said...

Google the trailer. It freaks me out, and I am not a person who scares easily.

On a side note I think that we're just God's failed meth lab and he fucked off ages ago to go do some crank. His stoner roommate Wayne sometimes blows his hoots onto our planet which creates global warming. We are not responsible for the Earth's downfall. It's all the fucking Wayne.

Fuck this pointless life! I'm out guys, going to empty some acidic substances into a glass bathub and go for a swim. Add something basic and drink me. Later