Saturday, October 21, 2006

YouTube is Fun.

So cool.


I seriously just came in my pants.

Anyone who knows of the whereabouts of The Death of Salvador or that killer beat in the trailer please contact me immediately.

This is too fucking weird for me.


Naomi said...

"When you can't hide...DANCE!" That movie looks strange. For a second I thought it was a video game trailer.

Mitch W said...

What you need more of Tess is some rabid fans that idolize you. Then you can start your own zombie horde.

T.R. said...

Who was it who was telling me about how there's a festival where people dress up as zombies and pretend to attack non-zombies. They throw blood on them and then those non-zombies because zombies. Am I making this up? Did that even make sense. I really need to be a part of that. If it doesn't exist it should.

I wish I had ANY rabid fans. The only people that even comment are you, Naomi, and Brandon. I would even allow pejorative comments, but I guess I don't keep the masses interested long enough to say anything at all. Wow I sound emo. Sorry about that.

Anonymous said...

I know at one point I was telling people about the zombie walk in san fran so maybe that is what you are refering too.