Sunday, January 14, 2007


I was taking a bath tonight. I'm definitely more of a 'bathe in your own filth' person than a showerer...or showeree? I donno. Anyways, for some reason I decided to flip onto my belly and put my face under water. This is something I haven't done since I was seven or eight and it really made me think about how much I've changed since then. Not just in size and maturity, but in almost every measurable way.

There is nothing about me now that is recognizably similar to the person I was then. There doesn't seem to be anything permenant about my personality from that moment to this. At what point did I change and can I even recall the person I was then well enough to know how I'd react?

I guess this is sort of lame philosophical post, but what I'm trying to say is why is it that people can never seem to successfully force a change upon their lives or the lives of others, but alternately we're in a constant state of flux-basically capable of doing anything. I don't know if there's anything permenant and solid about anyone, just a higher statistical possibility that they'll do one thing instead of another out of force of habit.

So, what if you get bored of those usual habits and begin to do everything differently out of boredom? Could you become a mysterious and unpredictable loose cannon or would you limit yourself because you've been thinking the same way so long that even your more random and seemingly unpredictable thoughts are cliches? Everything seems to have happened before but nothing ever gets done.


Naomi said...

I remember you and I had a really intersesting conversation about this once, but I can't remember anything I'd contributed to the conversation...

T.R. said...

I probably muscled you out by talking too much.

She said...

It is interesting, and I have thought about it before.

But think, in another ten or fifteen years, you'll look back on the "now you" and think much the same thing, I'm sure.

It hit me once when I was in a doctors office waiting for Colin after a long weekend of partying. I was watching a little brother and sister playing. They were about the same age apart as my brother and I were at that age.

Then I thought, god, when these kids get to be my age, are they going to be doing drugs and partying? Do they even KNOW what kind of shit waits for them in adolescence?

Then I stopped thinking about it. Becuase I was a little girl once, and no matter what we all grow up. We become different people entirely.