Monday, August 28, 2006

No, I am Not Kidding

Today was the day I was supposed to take a road trip with my friends *Sarah and *Martha (names have been changed and you'll understand why very soon.) We were planning on leaving early and driving three and a half hours to go to Chuck-E-Cheese, get our palms read, and meet up with Martha's Peruvian friend *Roberto. I guess should I mention that he's her gay Peruvian friend Roberto-OR perhaps it would be more appropriate to say her gay Peruvian friend Roberto who she married for four grand so he could obtain a Greencard and stay with his Peruvian boyfriend *Rico who in turn is married to Martha's roommate *Agnes.

See Martha hasn't been working for the past few months and I didn't see how she could afford her constant drinking habit. I really didn't understand why she kept mentioning wedding photos. I thought she might have been cracking a terrifically unfunny joke, but no. Truthfully, she was living an extremely funny reality which in itself is one of the most hilarious things I've ever heard of.

So forgive me if I'm in a bad mood today, because I didn't manage to meet this humorous work of art in person. I will try to get some pictures of the wedding from Martha, but sadly due to legal reasons I won't be able to post them. Anyone lucky enough to know me in person which is probably 98% of the people who read this can ask me if they want to take a peek at them, but until then you'll have to use your imagination to picture what this unusual couple looks like.

1 comment:

Naomi said...

That was confusing Tess, but I expect to be shown these pictures when you return.